高知IYEOってどんなグループ? どんなメンバーが活動しているの?
What kind of group is Kochi IYEO? Who are the members involved in the activities?
We'll introduce the activities and members of Kochi IYEO in our irregularly published newsletter.
Vol.0 として、現会長の前田正也(まえだまさや)が、高知県IYEOの青少年育成が拠って立つ、人生哲学をお話します密かに温めている新YOUTH FORUMの構想と、休日に訪れている「あの場所」のお話も。
The current president, Masaya Maeda, will discuss the life philosophy that underpins the youth development of Kochi IYEO. He will also share his secretly cherished ideas for a new YOUTH FORUM and talk about "that place" he visits on holidays.
Shigeru Yamanaka, will introduce an overview of Kochi IYEO. What are the seven methods of Kochi IYEO that Vice President Yamanaka, with his 30 years of experience, considers essential?You won't want to miss his insights on arranging vegetarian meals either.
2018年、体調に不安を抱えながらも、高知県IYEOの活動を継続すると決めた、現副会長の杉尾 智子(すぎお ともこ)さん。その決断に覚悟が必要だった「ワケ」と、20代~40代の内面変化を語ってくれました。
In 2018, despite health concerns, the current Vice President, Tomoko Sugio, decided to continue her activities with Kochi Prefecture IYEO. She spoke about the reasons that required such determination and her inner changes from her 20s to her 40s.
Vol.3は、リーダーの一人として活動を牽引する華岡麻夢(はなおか まゆ)さん、長岡広樹(ながおかひろき)さん。高知県IYEO開催の「青少年育成フォーラム」への参加で2人が得たきっかけとは?
Volume 3 features Mayu Hanaoka and Hiroki Nagaoka, who lead activities as key leaders. What opportunities did they gain from participating in the "Youth Development Forum" hosted by Kochi Prefecture IYEO?
Volume 4 highlights Hinako Inoue, who is currently a JICA volunteer in Botswana as of June 2024. She shares stories about her grandmother, who greatly influenced her dynamic personality, and her experiences as a backpacker in 36 countries around the world.
Volume 5 introduces Rena Osaki, who has been participating in Kochi Prefecture IYEO activities since elementary school, and Chise Fujimaru, a key member. Both are studying abroad in Canada and Ghana, respectively, and share their experiences of study abroad life.
Vol.6は高知県IYEOのWeb更新を担当している西村梓(にしむらあずさ)と、高知大学在学時からの共に活動している山本 妟美(やまもとあんび)さん。社会人として、シンガポールと米国カリフォルニア州で働く2人が海外生活で学んだこととは?
Volume 6 focuses on Azusa Nishimura, who is responsible for updating the Kochi IYEO website, and Anbi Yamamoto, who has been active since their days at Kochi University. The two now work in Singapore and California, USA, as professionals, sharing what they have learned from living overseas.
In the "35th Ship for World Youth Program - Kochi Local Practice Activities," Ruka Kawamoto gave a confident presentation in front of 70 youths from home and abroad. She shared her experiences as the first children's guide at the Makino Botanical Garden.
知人からの誘いをきっかけに、何気なくYOUTH FORUMに参加した田中伶奈(たなかれいな)さんと小山真輝(こやままさき)さん。今となっては中高生のメンターも務める頼もしい大学生。「少しの勇気と挑戦が人生を変える」。そんな2人のリアルストーリーをどうぞ。
Reina Tanaka and Masaki Koyama joined the YOUTH FORUM casually at the invitation of an acquaintance. Now, they serve as mentors for junior and high school students and are dependable university students. "A little courage and challenge can change your life." Here are their life stories.
During his junior and high school years, Yosuke Furuya thought, "Going abroad is impossible for me." After working as an adult, he took the university entrance exam and eventually found himself working in Silicon Valley as an expatriate. Here's the story of his journey.
Rena Osaki studied abroad at a public high school in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Contrary to the glamorous image of study abroad, she faced the harsh reality of being an international student, enduring difficult days. She reflects on her study abroad experience, saying, "80% of it was tough."
Under the guidance of Mr. M from Kochi IYEO, Mayu Hanaoka achieved rapid growth. It was because she actively practiced "TTP." Now, young people, if you find an appropriate role model, don't hesitate to practice "TTP."
Spending their teenage years, Ruka Kawamoto and Yoshino Kondo reflect on why they are alive and when they feel true bliss. They cherish the present, a time both challenging and joyful.
Airi Chikamori, a doctoral student at Tohoku University aiming to become an interpreter, has been supporting Kochi Prefecture IYEO activities since her days at Kochi University. Breaking out of her shell, she continues to challenge herself and invites others into the world of linguistics.
「自己肯定感≒自信≒幸福度」という仮説を検証する過過程で、いろいろな気付きを得た北村 柚季(きたむら ゆずき)さん。自己肯定感にも影響する「発達期待」を調べていくと、地政学と歴史と文化にまで辿り着きました。
Yuzuki Kitamura, who gained various insights while testing the hypothesis "Self-esteem ≒ Confidence ≒ Happiness," discovered connections between expectations for development, geopolitics, history, and culture.
Setbacks are not failures but merely detours. The insights and lessons gained during these processes create personal happiness. Live according to your inner voice, learning from the lives of great people. (Azusa Nishimura)
パキスタンのカラチで、日本人学校の教師として勤務する中垣 尚子(なかがき なおこ)さん。イスラム世界の魅力と不思議を現地在住人ならではの視点で、ありありと語ってくれました。教育に人生を注ぐきっかけとなった、彼女の原点のお話も。
Naoko Nakagaki, who works as a teacher at a Japanese school in Karachi, Pakistan, vividly shares the charm and mysteries of the Islamic world from a local resident's perspective. She also talks about her roots and what led her to dedicate her life to education.
日本で生活しながら、コツコツと英語学習を継続している公文健輔(くもん けんすけ)さん。英語学習が、自己の内面形成に大きく影響したようです。そして、英語学習継続のコツとは。なかなか継続して学習ができないというあなた、必読記事です!